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Foster Caregiver/Respite Provider Reimbursement Claim Form Resources:

Link to Online Submission Tool (send claims and receipts electronically to DCS). 

Foster Care Respite Provider Reimbursement Claim (Link is currently being worked on. Please follow the following steps until it’s rectified: 1. right click on link, click save link as to save it to your computer. 2. Open saved link using Adobe Acrobat.

Respite Provider Reimbursement Claim Printable Form

Online tutorial 

Guide on how to use and download PDF forms

Guide on how to complete the claims forms

Guide on how to use the online submission tool


Direct Deposit Application

If you have any questions, please contact your Foster Care Social Worker

350-99 Wyse Road
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
B3A 4S5
Phone: (902) 424-3071
Toll Free: (888) 845-1555
Fax: (902) 424-5199