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Foster Allegation Support Services

In the uncommon circumstance where a foster caregiver faces allegations of abuse or neglect, the experience can be very traumatic. The Federation of Foster Families provides support through a full-time Foster Allegation Support Worker to ensure proper representation and that the Protocol for Investigating Allegations of Abuse and Neglect has been followed.

The Foster Allegation Support Services program’s objectives are to:

  • Increase awareness of Foster Allegation Support Services
  • Advocate for and support foster families who are undergoing allegations of abuse or neglect
  • Advocate for and support foster families who are involved in the appeal process as a result of an investigation
  • Provide accountable documentation for service delivery and program evaluation as requested by the Department of Opportunities and Social Development

The Foster Allegation Support Worker strives to meet the objectives of the Federation’s Support Program through:

  • Protocol information sessions presented to Foster Caregiver Associations and/or Outreach support groups as requested
  • Presentations during the PRIDE Pre-service Program to inform potential foster caregivers of the service
  • Submission of annual reports to the the Department of Opportunities and Social Development
  • Providing support and advocacy to foster families going through an investigation or appeal process where they disagree with a decision affecting their home
  • Attendance as a guest speaker/panelist at PRIDE Module 9: Managing the Fostering Experience

Click here to view the Foster Allegation Support Services brochure.

350-99 Wyse Road
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
B3A 4S5
Phone: (902) 424-3071
Toll Free: (888) 845-1555
Fax: (902) 424-5199