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The Executive Director is responsible for the overall management and coordination of the Federation office and staff. They are responsible for communication with foster caregivers, agency personnel, and the Department of Opportunities and Social Development. And also works closely with, and is responsible to, the Federation’s Board of Directors. This position also serves on other committees as requested.

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This position is responsible for the daily operations of the office, maintains the provincial foster parent database and sends materials to new foster parents. Other key responsibilities are sending referrals to the Regional Recruitment Workers and maintaining the statistics for this service as well as the editor of the biannual newsletter for foster parents across Nova Scotia.

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The Coordinator of Training is responsible for the administration of the Levels of Care training programs (NCI, Sensitivity, PRIDE) as well as the ongoing evaluation and revision of training materials. They also supervise Federation training staff and trainers throughout the province. And is also responsible for recruiting new trainers and supporting/supervising existing ones.

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The Training Admin Assistant assists in organizing the Levels of Care training programs. Foster parent training registration, documentation of foster parent training records and maintenance of the statistics related to training.

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This position assists the Coordinator of Training & Peer Support Services in the development and implementation of the new Peer Support Services. This includes the recruitment, selection, and training of PSS Volunteers, and the development and delivery of both training materials and resource materials which will assist volunteers as they provide support to other foster parents. They will assist in the day-to-day operations of and record-keeping for Peer Support Services and will aid in the evaluation, adaption, and future planning for the program.

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This Allegation & Support Social Worker acts as an advocate and support person to foster families facing allegations of abuse or neglect. They also deliver information sessions to Agency/District Office staff regarding the protocol for investigating allegations of abuse or neglect in foster homes, and how Workers can assist Foster Parents in the safeguarding process. This position also maintains current statistical data and prepares periodic reports, including an Annual Report.

Foster parents requiring assistance can contact Jill directly at (902) 424-2711 or 1-888-845-1555

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The Comptroller is responsible for the financial management of the Federation’s accounts, both operational and training. They also serve as our Representative on the Foster Parent Appreciation Launch Committee.

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350-99 Wyse Road
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
B3A 4S5
Phone: (902) 424-3071
Toll Free: (888) 845-1555
Fax: (902) 424-5199